In the first place, going to university is an excellent way to receive higher education, which is very important for one’s scholarly attainments. Many people think Society University is much better than regular university, for people could learn actually things that they can use in society after they graduated from university. However, this society’s job opportunity is a big fan of a higher degree employee.
In the second place, as the representatives says, children who go to university randomly go back to hometown, hence, they should not go to university. If all the children do what the representatives said, they don’t go to university, just stay in hometown, doing the things like their ancestors. What a disaster, the country never develops in this way. A country only develops with new knowledge. Besides, not all of the students didn’t want to go back to hometown, they just want to make more money to offer their parents a better life.
On the whole, we can’t encourage rural children not to university just because they might not go back to hometown after they graduated. We should encourage them to go to university to receive higher education, it is for them and the country’s own good.
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