考试之我见 My View on Examination

We live in a world full of competition, part of which includes examinations. Unfortunately, our fate and future are determined by it. We need to pass the College Entrance Exam to enter university; excel in interviews to obtain a job; pass the driving test to acquire a driver’s license. Examinations take place in everyday life of common people; hence we have got too accustomed to it to realize its negative side.


The facts speak for themselves that examinations have become a yardstick of success and failure in today’s society. Its efficiency of measurement may explain part of its popularity, but does it truly reflect a person’s ability and aptitude?


It is vital to make such a fact clear that examinations cannot test what we know, but what we remember. A student with a good memory may find it very effective to cram all the knowledge into mind before examinations. In this sense, it is very unfair for the students who work hard all the time. Since no one performs at his best all the time, examinees are no exceptions. Some unexpected accidents happened to them like a sudden headache will affect the outcome, thus fail the student.


I would like to put forward my heart-felt proposal that one day some more scientific and humanized method will replace the old tradition. With efforts from educationists and other related professionals, hopefully, it will not remain a dream only.


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